Welcome to the Movement


Check out the Six Part Documentary Series on The War on Cuba

by the Belly of the Beast, and produced by Oliver Stone and Danny Glover

vISIT our "Join Our Trip" page for details and information

about this year’s trip to Cuba

Scholarship available! If you're eligible, please apply.

For our 2024 May Day trip to Cuba, BUILDING RELATIONS WITH CUBAN LABOR will award three (3) $500 stipends to delegates who:

2. Has never been to Cuba before

3. Is in financial need, i.e., would not otherwise be able to attend without financial assistance

4. Supports BRWCL's goals https://www.buildingrelationswithcubanlabor.org/what-we-do

5. Will assist/participate with BRWCL to achieve these goals.

If you meet these criteria, please fill out the questionnaire. 

If you have any questions, contact Nancy Yamada 415.484.9948

  1. Email *

  2. Name *

  3. Address *

  4. Phone number *

  5. What is your birthdate? (Note - some preference will be given to applicants 35 and younger)*

  6. Have you been to Cuba before? *

    • Yes

    • No

  7. What Labor, political, and/or community organizations are you active in? *

  8. Why do you want to go to Cuba with Building Relations with Cuban Labor? *

  9. How can you help BRWCL achieve its goals? 

    (Purpose & Plan of Action can be found here  https://www.buildingrelationswithcubanlabor.org/what-we-do )*

  10. Send me a copy of my responses.

Bill Camp, founder of Building Relations with Cuban Labor, was a voice for the voiceless. He was a political and social activist who strove to create a good life for the working class.

He brings this passion to this movement.

The movement is in its name: Building Relations with Cuban Labor. 

Despite the US reversion to pre-Obama era restrictions on Cuban travel, our professional delegations continue to be included in one of the categories for legal travel to Cuba.

Cuba has developed its own COVID vaccine and thanks to efforts by people all over the world to provide syringes, Cuba has vaccinated over 10,500,000 out of a population of almost 12 million. Cuba’s vaccine is safe for children two years and older.


California’s Senate Pro Tem , Toni Atkins introducing Miguel Fraga on the California State Senate Floor. Monday February 25th, 2019

Visit our "Join Our Trip" page for details and information


click on one of the trips or events listed above .



The trip is to give people a firsthand experience and in depth understanding of labor in Cuba. To then translate this trip into a plan of action that will start a conversation in US Congress.

Learn More →
